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Strange UFO Sighting - video powered by Metacafe Hmm, yes indeed a decidingly dodgy looking UFO. I didn't shoot this footage myself (don't worry it's copyright cleared :). As mentioned elsewhere, it reminds me of a hairdryer attachment in flight. Impressive - hmmm, maybe not! What d'ya reckon yourself? It was observed at Metacafe that this film was ... how should I put it? ehm "crap" was one of the terms used I believe. Yeh yeh, you can never rely on an alien! Please leave a comment wontcha ...
Watch 2 Trains Collide Head-On At 90 Mph! Yippee! - video powered by Metacafe Aah the good old days of steamy black n' white. Actually this original footage has no sound, so I added a crash-bang-wallop to spice things up a bit. A few comments at Metacafe mentioned the speed or lack of should I say. Well I dunno, it's hard to tell how fast these choo-choos were going at from the film, but I suppose it could be 90. I mean it could have been 68 m.p.h. they were going at, but that don't sound as impressive does it? "Spectacular collision at 68 m.p.h." ... yeh it doesn't have the same ring to it. Maybe they added a few m.p.h's for dramatic cinematic effect! I'd have rounded it up to a nice 100 meself! Don't 4get to rate - ta' .
This Bird Never Got Off The Ground Lucky For Us Hee-hee! - video powered by Metacafe Yup I suspect something underhand is going on here. Or should that be "Underwing"? Whatever. Yep, the Wrong Brothers have a lot to answer for! No smoking down the back there please. This amazing piece of footage is not too popular at all up at Metacafe - no warped sense of humour LOL! And u? Rate it here if you will - ta' .
Check Out This Excellent Free Firewall - Surf Safe! - video powered by Metacafe I've used this firewall for about 3 years averaging around 12 hours a day online, and it has yet to let me down once. Not one bad attack has got thru with thousands blocked. Oh btw, the music for this wee vid-let is a piece I originally composed a few years ago for a Millenium show! Ah how time flys - it'll be the 22nd century before you know it - well you know what I mean don't you. Good 'cos I don't! Anyway, an excellent bit of software is Zonealarm, 5 stars I rate it - you can rate it here .
Spirit Dance - video powered by Metacafe This is one of the earliest surviving pieces of footage ever made! I love this clip although it ain't so popular up at Met ... but poignant schtuff methinks. Man, one of them injuns loves that new fangled moving picture capturer thingy. He was born too early! Seemingly they all worked at the Wild Bill Hickcock Show and they brought in the cameras to film them one day. Now that show woulda been one to see! This of course was a silent clip so I added a few whoops n' hollers to it for fun. Dedicated to one of my heros Mr. Thomas Edison, who we all have to thank for this roight :), and to the Spirits in the Sky!Rate it here
Aurora Stunning Web Cam! - video powered by Metacafe Brilliant webcam - surreal shots straight from a 1950s sci-fi book cover! It looks amazing up there doesn't it? If a little chilly. There's info on the site itself about where the cam is located and who runs it and all that. Well done to 'em I say!Rate here please
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